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PETA: Replace Uga with Animatronic Dog or Costumed Mascot

petaPETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) is sticking there nose where it doesn’t belong, again. They have emailed UGA AD Damon Evans asking him to replace the Uga mascots with either an animatronic dog or a costumed mascot.

Below is the text of the email:

In the wake of the untimely death of the University of Georgia’s (UGA) bulldog mascot, Uga VII, PETA has asked the school’s athletic director, Damon M. Evans, to replace the mascot with an animatronic dog–or to rely solely on a costumed mascot–instead of using another real bulldog. Bulldogs are prone to breathing difficulties, hip dysplasia, heart disorders, and other congenital ailments, and acquiring a dog from a breeder perpetuates the animal overpopulation crisis while causing another dog waiting in an animal shelter to be condemned to death.

Notwithstanding the health comments, PETA’s meddling with UGA and their mascot is ridiculous. The line of Uga’s are owned and raised by the Seiler family. Loaning a family pet to represent the University of Georgia isn’t contributing to animal overpopulation.

Obviously, they didn’t do much research on UGA. We already have Hairy Dawg, a costumed mascot. And if they would have dug deeper, they would realize that only Georgia Tech would use a robot as a mascot. Really!

Leave UGA alone, PETA. Find something better to do with your time. May I suggest a 24 oz. bone-in ribeye at McKendricks in Atlanta? It’s delightful!

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